How important is Turkey to NATO?

US Vice President Mike Pence issued an ultimatum to Turkey earlier this week: either Ankara remains a critical NATO partner or it jeopardizes the alliance by going ahead with the purchase of Russia-built S-400 air defense systems. Mike Pence’s warning against the acquisition of S-400 missile defenses from Russia prompted Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay... Continue Reading →

Was Hamas Really Created By Israel?

Were Hamas created by Israel? The pushing question that is both dividing and confusing people across various fronts. A widely ignored topic, that is the result of much argument and confusion. Hamas, Harakat Al-Muqawamah Al-Islamiyyah or the Islamic Movement, is a Palestinian political party officially created in 1987. If you are living in the Western... Continue Reading →

“White Helmets”, gas attacks, & evil Russians: The new “Call of Duty” video game is CIA propaganda?

We’re in the Middle East, and after a big explosion caused by an aerial bombing, a female child is stuck under all of the rubble, people come to remove the remaining rubble and pull the girl out. Then toxic gas is deployed. Does this description sound familiar? No, it’s not the contents of the latest... Continue Reading →

Top Ten Differences Between the Iraq War and Trump’s Proposed Iran War

1. Iraq is 168,754 mi² and Iran is 636,400 mi²; that is, Iran is geographically 3.77 times bigger than Iraq, almost 4 times as big. 2. Iraq’s population when invaded was 26 million. Iran’s population today is 81 million. 3. General Eric Shinseki testified before Congress prior to Bush’s invasion that based on the US... Continue Reading →

Pre-emptive Nuclear War: The Role of Israel in Triggering an Attack on Iran

The text below is Chapter III of Michel Chossudovsky book entitled:  The Globalization of War. America’s Long War against Humanity,Global Research Publishers, Montreal, 2015.  To order the book directly from Global Research click here This chapter provides a historical perspective of US war plans directed against Iran, including the use of a preemptive nuclear attack, using... Continue Reading →

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